Featuring conversations with and contributions from:
John Shields: At Some Point In Life, The World’s Beauty Becomes Enough
Elena Reygadas: Notes on Mexican Bread
Geeta Bansal: Magnus Nilsson - A Fluid Line in the Sand
Paul Ivić: Soil to Kitchen to Soul
Joyeta Ng: Linear Move from the Table into the DEN Kitchen
Mike Bagale: ‘Food is Medicine’ Will be the New ‘Farm to Table’
Takahiko Kondo: A Tale of Contemporary Culinary Culture
Dan Hong: Life Locked Down
Kristian Baumann: Writing the Next Chapter
Marije Vogelzang: Edible Philosophy
George Troyan: Falling in Love With a Stove
Fia Gulliksson: Nordic Ordinary Inspires London’s Extraordinary
Steve Schwartz: Stopping Time with Tea
Najat Kaanache: Moroccan Magic
Moshik Roth: I Will Be Back!
Toni Kostian: Making Conscious Choices About Finland’s Resources
Thomas Bühner: Food Can Help Us Heal
Santiago Lastra: Forget the Pride
Leonardo Fonseca: A Home Far Away
Robert Mendoza: C’est la Merde, but Keep Pushing